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Webhook Authentication

We ensure the security and integrity of webhook calls through HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) authentication. This method verifies the authenticity of incoming requests and protects against tampering.

How HMAC Authentication Works

  1. Secret Key: Both the sender (Credit App) and receiver (your application) share a secret key which is your API key.

  2. Creating the Signature:

    • When sending a webhook request, Credit App will calculate the HMAC of the request payload using the secret key and the hashing algorithm (SHA-256). This digest is converted to a hexadecimal string.
    • This generates a unique signature specific to the payload and the secret key.
  3. Including the Signature:

    • The calculated signature is added to the request header using the header key X-Credit-App-Signature to store the signature value.
  4. Server Verification:

    • When your server receives a webhook request, it should calculate the HMAC of the received payload using its secret key and the same hashing algorithm.
  5. Comparing Signatures:

    • The value to the calculated HMAC signature should be compared to the one received in the in the request header.
    • If the two signatures match, the request is considered authentic and untampered.

Example Webhook Request with Signature

const crypto = require('crypto');

// Secret key shared between sender and receiver (API KEY)
const secretKey = 'my_secret_key';

// Original data
const data = 'Hello, this is the data to protect.';

// Calculate HMAC
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretKey);
const calculatedHmac = hmac.digest('hex');

// Appending HMAC to data
const protectedData = {
body: data,

// Simulating sending data over the network...

// Simulating receiving data

const receivedData = protectedData;

// Separate data and received HMAC
const receivedHmac = receivedData.X-CREDIT-APP-SIGNATURE; //this will be in the headers of the request
const receivedDataOnly = receivedData.body;

// Recreate HMAC
const recreatedHmac = crypto
.createHmac('sha256', secretKey)

// Compare HMACs
if (receivedHmac === recreatedHmac) {
console.log('Data is authentic and not tampered.');
} else {
console.log('Data has been tampered.');